Elevating Work Platforms
Elevating work platforms (EWP) are hydraulically, electrically or mechanically controlled devices used to elevate workers. These include Scissor Lifts, Articulated Boom lifts etc. An operator of an EWP must be competent to operate/use such equipment.
The in-class theory segment provides knowledge and understanding of safe inspections and operations of the elevating (aerial) work platform and the practical component assesses the skills of the operator to apply their knowledge in the safe operations of the work platform and associated equipment thus reducing the risk of harm to people property and business and to increase productivity and efficiency.

Course description:
- Types of Elevating work platforms
- Component Terminology
- Operator Responsibilities
- Pre-Operation Inspection
- Safe Operations of scissor lift / booms
- Care and Maintenance Additional training requirements
- Practical assessment of application of safe operating skills
Competent person:
Means a person who, is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance, is familiar with this Act and the regulations that apply to the work, and has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace (section 1(1) of the OHSA)
Scissor Lifts, Articulated Boom lifts, self-propelled elevating work platforms, boom-type elevating work platforms, aerial work platforms etc.

OHSA Section 1(1)
O. Reg. S. 851 s.51(2)(a)
O. Reg. S. 213/91 s.147(1)
O. Reg. 297/13
CSA B354.7 & B354.8
MoLTSD: Guideline on EWPs
- Audience: Users, operators of EWPs, Supervisors, JHSC members
- Duration: 6-8h (3 Th, 3-4 Pr)
- Location: On-site only
- Cert Validity: 3 yrs
- Participants: 10 max
Also Available:
- Working at Heights training (CPO approved )
- Fall prevention training
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